Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Uber Preparing to Leave Houston

TEXAS TRIBUNE - In Houston, TX, Uber has announced that they will leave the city if the city keeps on with the regulations and rules. The city is already requiring fingerprint background checks and other regulations that will hold Uber and other driving companies into certain limits and restrictions. Uber is not going to put up with this anymore, threatening to leave the city of Houston.
Austin is also going through with this kind of process with proposition 1. City of Austin also feels that they will need to restrict and keep the community safe by putting on regulations for Uber. 

I believe that the local government is more intended to take control over Uber with an excuse of keeping the city safe and better. With such rapid growth Uber and other driving companies have, the city is afraid that they will lose control over what is now the most outgrowing transportation in cities all around. I believe we need to be concerned about this kind of act of government and be involved in such situation and take a stand in keeping our liberty. With transportation being a big part of our lives, Uber and other companies gives the community many economic benefits towards the future. This cannot be interrupted by the power greed of our government.
I believe that Uber and other driving companies should have the rights to be unregulated by the government if it is not disrupting the economical growth in our states.  

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