Through The Eyes of Texas - My classmate Alyssa wrote about Uber and how they are preparing to leave the city of Houston if the city keeps existing rules.
I wrote about this article couple blogs back and believed that they should not be regulated and controlled by the government. However my views have changed after reading Alyssa's blog and getting a feedback from Professor Seago. Both raised a question in my head if companies like Uber really should operate without zero regulations by the city and the answer was no. Although I don't completely taken the side of the government having all the regulations over independent companies like Uber, I do agree on the fact that such regulations should exists for the purpose of our and the cities safety. With that being said, Uber's currently existing rules and the process of employment allows safety and protection for customers. Alyssa stated that its only fair for us and safe for us that these Uber workers go through such process and that no complete trust can be put on these people. I support this statement because I, too, am an uber customer. However, it can be debated that Uber has decreased the amount of DWI and drunk driving throughout the years of operation. It has improved our citiy in a way that's keeping us safe. My views has changed little since my last blog about Uber. They should have some sort of regulations and rules upon them if and when they are not doing a proper job of safety. In the areas they lack on, government should regulated and assist but not control over it. Allowing government to take some control over your regulations is giving up certain rights that your company has. Unless the company is a negative contribution to the city such as having skeptical driver, unsafe driver, unsafe operators, I do not see giving away many regulations and rules to the government as the best choice.
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