LONESTAR MADNESS - One of my classmate's blog was about the rising problem of safety concerning about UT campus. She talked about how and what the University could do in order to allow students to feel safer. I agree with Lonestar Madness when it comes to applying many different kinds of actions towards students safety such as allowing more bicycle officers riding around late at night especially near west campus area where homelessness is clouded. She also mentioned about safe cameras to detect any suspicious activity and special kind of id cards called proxy cards to allow only students to be in control over dorm doors. These methods definitely will improve students dormitory's safety.
There's always should be certain kind of boundaries when we discuss about limits. Lonestar Madness mentioned at her very last sentence that you cannot make the school "too safe" because it'll be what we call prison-like. Unlike the other methods of safety actions, I personally think metal detectors will only make sense of unsafeness to the students. Imagine if you are just simply wanting to go to class for a lecture and will have to walk through a metal detector for any kinds of weapon. This to me, would force me to believe that something is unsafe in the campus. Skeptical about the imagination of the reason behind these metal detectors. Are there terrorists? Thieves? Some sort of an gun incidents? These feelings would only leave students to feel more unsafe.
UT campus needs improvement on the subject of safety in campus. However we must keep in mind that incidents like Haruka Weiser, a murder, has not happened for over a 50 years period in UT. The statistic shows that UT is not, statically, dangerous environment to be in. But regardless of statistics, if the students feel unsafe, these methods needs to be taken immediately.
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